My mom and dad came down Friday evening after work for my birthday and stayed for the weekend. Clint, my mom, Amelia and I went to Denny's for dinner Friday night. I got a free grand slam for dinner and shared some food with Amelia. She enjoyed eating the food with us and drinking water through a straw. The floor enjoyed eating the food she threw down too! Going to Denny's was the highlight of my birthday. Poor Clint got sick that evening with maybe a stomach flu or something.
On Saturday, Amelia started sounding and feeling like she was getting sick. She started getting congested and had a stuffy nose, along with a 101 degree temp. After Amelia had a good morning nap, my mom, Amelia, and I went to As You Wish Pottery to paint a plate. It was a yellow plate, says Cute As A Bug, and has a ladybug with Amelia's feet prints as the body of the ladybug. I will post a picture of the finished product when I pick it up on Tuesday.
Before we went to dinner, Clint gave me my birthday present. It was a gorgeous picture frame that he painted at As You Wish Pottery!! It is pink with black spots on the top and black on the bottom. The colors go with the outfit and picture of Amelia that he put in the frame when she was 6 1/2 months old. There are also three ladybugs; a big blue one representing Clint the daddy, a medium pink one representing me the mommy, and a smaller pink one representing Amelia the baby. There is a beautiful pink flower in the top corner and the words Happy Birthday with balloons in the bottom corner. I was quite surprised when I opened this gift up! Clint went to do this Thursday night and told me he was working late. I believed him because he does work late on occasion. He was very good at surprising me. I think this had to be one of the best birthday gifts I have ever gotten and was the highlight for Saturday.
Saturday evening, my dad, mom, Clint, Amelia and I went to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. I had some coupons for free meals and they were going to expire so I figured we should use them. We enjoyed eating there because it was an all you can eat sort of buffet and the atmosphere is good for children, but the downside was that there wasn't really any meat. Again Amelia had fun eating all the different types of food, like Jello, cottage cheese, muffins, fruit, hard boiled eggs, veggies, ice cream, and strawberry lemonade. The floor looked like quite a disaster after we left!
My mom and I also scrapbooked Saturday evening after I put Amelia to bed. I have recently been working on scrapbooking all the pictures I have taken in the last 10 1/2 months. I am still on day 4! All of the pictures taken when she was first born and coming home are quite important and trying to figure out page layouts that are perfect takes a long time.
Amelia still wasn't feeling good Saturday night and woke up almost every hour it seemed like. I was in her room rocking her more than I was in my bed that night. Her poor little nose was all stuffed up with mucus/snot from laying down. When I rocked her in the rocking chair, she was laying more upright so the stuff could drain. When it would drain down her throat, it tickled her throat and made her cough. So she would be asleep in my arms, then cough, then cry because she woke up. I had to calm her back down again and she would fall back asleep but then a minute she would cough and cry all over again. I hate seeing my little baby girl not feeling well. I would rather me be sick and feel icky than her.
Sunday was pretty laid back. After church, my mom and I scrapbooked for a little bit while Amelia took a nap. We went to my in-laws for Sunday dinner. I got to eat off the special birthday plate. We had yummy pot roast, carrots, potatoes, salad, watermelon, and the best part....Cheesecake! I love cheesecake and Amelia seemed to love it too when I gave her tastes of mine. She wasn't much help at blowing out the candle. Instead she wanted to reach over and touch the flame.
Aside from Amelia not feeling very well, it was a pretty great birthday weekend. I had a few good days spending time with my family, ate some yummy food, and was wonderfully surprised yet again by Clint!