We went to the Ray family bbq on Saturday July 3rd at Clint's sister's house in Phoenix. We took some pictures before we left the house to show our patriotism.
Since it was a 4th of July party, I decided to make a special treat; edible bald eagles. It is made by dipping a marshmallow in melted white chocolate, then in coconut (except for one end). You stick the white chocolate, non coconut side down onto an Oreo. Let it sit for a while, allowing the white chocolate to harden to the Oreo. Use a toothpick to make a hole in the marshmallow. Stick a cashew in the hole. Use black decorator's gel for the eyes.
We had yummy food at the bbq and had a fun time swimming. Later that evening, we went to where the fireworks were going to be held around 9pm Saturday night. We had to park in a neighborhood street and walk a little ways to the golf course that was hosting the fireworks show. We heard them starting to go off so we walked behind some stores and sat in the parking lot, fairly close to the fireworks but away from the large crowds. We put blankets down on the asphalt and sat in camping chairs.

Amelia was sitting with me on the blanket and once she heard the loud firework go off, she sat in my lap facing me, buried her face in my chest, and clutched her arms around me for dear life. I asked her if she wanted to watch the pretty fireworks and she would just say, "No". I covered her ears and held her safely while I enjoyed the fireworks. I eventually kicked Clint out of his chair so I could sit with Amelia in a slightly more comfortable position. Eventually I think she fell asleep because I felt twitching and she wouldn't respond when I asked her a question. At the very end of the fireworks show, I started to stand up from the chair. She woke up and heard everyone cheering. So she sits straight up, claps her hands, and says "Yay!" What a silly little girl.

On Sunday after dinner with Clint's family in Mesa, we drove back home to our house. We put Amelia in her wagon and walked near the front of our community to watcht he fireworks going off at the Field of Dreams on Power and Elliot. The fireworks were nice, the mosquitos biting us were not nice. Right when the firework finale was starting, a stupid car drove up and parked right in front of where we were sitting and blocked the fireworks! We were able to hear the fireworks 10 seconds after they went off because of the distance delay but it just wasn't the same. Amelia did enjoy watching these fireworks because they were farther away and not very noisy. When they were over, she kept saying, "More, more." We went home and watched the Boston fireworks on tv. Amelia loved watching those as well.
Aside from bbqs and fireworks, my favorite part of the 4th of July is hearing the patriotic songs. I just love the Star Spangled Banner and get choked up every time I hear it or sing it. I am so glad that I can live in this free country and am able to practice religion without being afraid like people in other countries. I am so thankful for my family and friends!