Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fall Festival

Our church had a Fall Festival and I signed up to bring a dessert.  I made Worms in Dirt.  I put it in a new, clean pot, used a new trowel for the scooping device, and placed some artificial flowers in the pot.  People didn't eat the dessert because they thought it was a table decoration.  I took a big scoop out of it and then people realized it was one of the desserts :)

 Amelia was a ladybug again this year.  The costume was one that Clint bought off ebay before she was born for the personal ladybug baby shower he threw me.
Amelia looked adorable in her costume...except when she had unzipped it and started taking it off, getting almost completely naked!   
I was also a 'ladybug' this year...I wore black pants, a red shirt, ladybug wings, and ladybug ear rings.

Amelia enjoyed playing the games.  Here she is throwing a bean bag.

This was pin the nose on the jack o' lantern.  She didn't want to be blind folded so she knew exactly where to put the nose :)

This was a game where you put the rings on the spiders' legs.

Last, there was a mini golf/croquet game.  She wasn't very good at this game...maybe next year.
She enjoyed listening to the Halloween music, like The Monster Mash.
She danced with some friends from church.

She hung out next to the janitor...oh wait....that's daddy!
Clint dressed up like Joe Dirt.  He had to grow out his facial hair for a month in order for it to look authentic.  I was glad when Halloween was over so he could shave it all off!

There was also trick-or-treating at the Fall Festival.  Amelia was shy at first about saying Trick-or-Treat to people but after a few times, she got the hang of it and said it loud and proud because she wanted the candy.

We didn't go trick-or-treating on Halloween since it was on Sunday this year.  After dinner in Mesa, we came home and answered the door for the few trick-or-treaters that stopped by our house.  Amelia would hide when they would knock. But then once I opened the door, she would come and help put candy in their buckets/bags after they told us Trick-or-Treat. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

Amelia with the 'before' pumpkin

We went to Grandma Betty's house for family home evening Monday the 25th for pumpkin carving.
Amelia didn't mind getting her hands dirty! 

She did a great job scooping out the pumpkin guts.

She wasn't sure about what to do with the scraper tool so daddy had to help and scrape the pumpkin insides.

Look mom!  Pumpkin guts.

Amelia really enjoyed working on the pumpkin with Grandma Betty!

Taking a break to eat a cookie after all the hard work.
I continued working on carving the pumpkin throughout the week of Halloween. 

I finally finished it on Saturday the 30th, just in time for our church's Fall Festival.  It didn't win but I think it looked pretty neat.  Can you tell it's a corn and husk?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Schnepf Farms

We got our faces painted with a pumpkin 
Amelia and grandma Susie riding on the very old carousel 
There were pig races and a goat race.  I got to go up and cheer for one of the goats (Amelia came and helped me).  My goat won so I won a piggy nose. 
Checking out the chickens and roosters 
Amelia rode a white pony named Snowflake.  Daddy walked next to her. 
At first Amelia was unsure about riding a pony but after a little bit she was very excited. 
Petting the goats in the petting zoo area. 
Grandpa Dave, Amelia, and I taking a picture by the donkey.  Amelia likes to say "hee-haw" and loved seeing the donkey. 
We drove in a four person maual go cart on a dirt road course.  Clint and Grandpa Dave did the pedalling while Amelia and I sat in the front and enjoyed the bumpy ride.
Amelia got to ride on an airplane. 
Mommy and Amelia with the pretty sunflowers. 
Amelia and Grandma Susie on the train that rides around the entire farm. 
My sweet baby girl! 

Our little family