I'd like to share my Walgreens Photo Center photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Rhetoric's Photo Book Pics, by Christie Ray
I'd like to share my Walgreens Photo Center photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Rhetoric has Arrived!
After checking in at the hospital on Wednesday February 16th at 1pm, I was taken to one of the delivery rooms. Around 1:30pm my nurse tried to get my IV going and she burst my vein twice. She then got another nurse to come and do it instead. Luckily this other nurse got it on the first try. It was now about 2pm and the pitocin was started. The nurse checked to see how dilated I was (at my appt the day before I was 3cm and 75% effaced. The nurse said I was a 3-4cm. My doctor then showed up and broke my water a few minutes later. Just a little while later I had the anesthesiologist come to give me an epidural. After it kicked in, I noticed my right leg was complete dead weight and my left side had a numb feeling but I could kick that leg up in the air. As I was having contractions, I could feel some pain and pressure (with Amelia's epidural, I was completely numb and on top of the world). They switched my medicine a few times to see if it would help numb me. I was numb and tingly up to my shoulders but could still feel the contractions, not what I wanted. When the nurse checked me at 4pm, I was dilated to 6cm. At 4:30pm she checked me again and I was still 6cm...disappointing. At 5pm I told the nurse I was feeling much more pressure and had an urge to push. She checked me and I was at 10cm....yay! I gained 4cm in 30 minutes. That made up for the slower beginning. They called my doctor and once they were all ready, they had me start pushing, at 5:15pm. They told me I was having contractions but now I couldn't feel them...thank goodness, the epidural finally kicked in when I needed it to most. After eight minutes of pushing my son entered this world!
Rhetoric Jefferson Ray
Born Wednesday February 16, 2011, 5:23pm
Induced 2 weeks early (my choice)
7lbs 14oz
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day
I started Valentine's Day a few days ago when I made sugar cookie dough. Later that night when the dough was chilled, I rolled it out on the counter and had Amelia help me make heart shaped cookies with my cookie cutters. Once I baked them in the oven and let them cool, I frosted them with some homemade icing and let Amelia help put the sprinkles on top. She had fun helping mommy bake...and loved eating some cookies too!
Yesterday for breakfast I made french toast as usual, but used my large heart shaped cookie cutter so we could eat heart shaped french toast. I also had Clint and Amelia open their Valentine's Day gifts before church (since Clint gets up early Monday-Saturday, long before Amelia wakes up). Amelia (I) made a notebook for Clint with a picture of them together on the cover. Amelia got a few candies and a necklace kit.
I dressed Amelia and I in pink today, of course! Her shirt had hearts all over and she had two pony tails with heart barrettes. We went to a Valentine's Day party at her friends Neils' and Jaxton's house. She got to decorate a Valentine mailbox and a heart shaped sugar cookie. Then she passed out her Valentine's to each of the other kids' mailboxes. She had a blast and looked so cute too!
I took a few pictures of her outfit, almost kissing mommy, and kissing baby brother (mommy's tummy). I can't believe that in about two more days, we will actually be kissing the baby! I am excited, nervous, and anxious. I think Amelia is pretty excited and can't wait to visit me when I go to the hospital to take pictures with her new baby brother.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Going for a Walk
We went for a walk a few nights ago and I took a picture of Amelia on Clint's shoulders with my phone. This is another test post to see how blog posting works from my phone with a picture.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7
Test Post
This is a test post from my phone. I want to see how it works and if I can post a blog while in the hospital after delivery.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
37 Week Appt
I had my 37 week appointment this morning and measured a definite 2cm and 75% effacement. We schedule my inducement date for Wednesday the 16th at 7:30am. That's eight days away!!! Wow, I can't believe it's coming to an end. I can't wait to meet this little boy of mine!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
At my 35 week appointment my doctor wanted me to schedule an ultrasound so we could find out how big this baby boy was measuring.
I had the ultrasound this morning at 7am. I am 36 weeks and 1 day but this boy was much bigger, like I expected. According to the measurements the techinician got, he was 37 weeks and 4 days in size. I know my due date for March 2nd is very accurate, so I just have a big baby...about 10 days ahead of schedule! He is already 7lbs and 85% for his height (big surprise there!).
I am planning on getting induced early because I don't want a huge baby, my labor was pretty quick with Amelia (went from a 5cm to 10 cm in 1.5 hours and only had to push for 20 minutes), and I want my parents down here to help take care of Amelia while I'm in the hospital and when I come home for a few days. Clint works a lot so I can't really rely on him being home to help me try to deal with being a new mother again and taking care of Amelia, and myself. I am grateful my parents are willing to take time off to come down and help out!!!
I figure that this baby will be about 8lbs when he is born, if I get induced around the 18th of February like I want. Amelia was 8lbs 12oz and born 5 days early. If he is 8lbs when born 12 days early, then he would probably be around 9lbs or more if I waited til his due date of March 2nd.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
36 Week Appt
I had my 36 week appointment this morning and measured 1cm and 50% effaced. I'm glad I am making some progress now that I have 4 weeks (but really less) left to go. I brought Amelia to the appointment with me and she enjoyed hearing her baby brother's heartbeat.
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