Tuesday, August 31, 2010

14 Week Appointment

I had my 14 week appointment today.  My belly is starting to get a little bigger.  I haven't gained any weight yet (I've actually lost a few pounds) because I am trying to watch what I eat so I don't gain 50 pounds like I did with Amelia's pregnancy.  I am hoping to only gain 20 or so pounds this time. 

I got to hear the heartbeat at this appointment, which is always exciting!  She said it sounded nice and healthy.  I was very glad to hear her say that. 

My doctor wanted to have my blood drawn again because my thyroid levels were, I believe, high before I got pregnant and she wanted to see how it was doing now.  (I had my blood drawn 4 weeks ago at my first appointment and almost passed out because I didn't have any snacks with me.)  I didn't have any snacks with me this time and I told her about what happened last time, so luckily she said we can just get the blood drawn at my next appointment on September 28th.  I will hopefully remember to bring some snacks with me to that appointment!

Sometimes I think I can feel kicking from the baby but I'm sure I am not.  I think it would be way to early to feel anything yet.  I wasn't sure what the kicking felt like when I was pregnant with Amelia though so I didn't really recognize it until I was about 22 weeks along.  I think I will definitely notice it before 22 weeks this time around.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Amelia's New Ritual

Amelia started doing something new in the last week or so.  Whenever I put her down for a nap or at bedtime, I read her stories, sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, ask Amelia for a big hug and kiss, say I Love You, turn the lights off, and close the door.  I usually go in and check on her 30 minutes after I don't hear anymore noises.  I put her blanket on and turn the fan off at night.  Every single time I have gone in there this last week or so, I open the door, she is sound asleep, BUT HER OVERHEAD LIGHT IS ON!  I have added another step to the bedtime ritual: after closing the door to leave, I hang out in the hallway.  Today within ten seconds of me closing the door and saying goodbye, Amelia got out of bed and turned the lights on.  I waited fifteen seconds to make sure she got back in bed.  I opened the door, turned the light off, and told her to leave the lights off.  She laid there saying, "Light on, light on," but didn't get back up to turn it on.  I do not understand why she is doing this!  I have a ladybug nightlight in her room near her bed so it's not pitch black or anything.  It's usually the bright overhead light that she turns on, but sometimes that light along with the desk light.  I've noticed when I've come in to check on her, she will have her blankie or hands covering her face...I'm guessing because she couldn't fall asleep WITH THE STINKIN' LIGHTS ON!  I love my daughter tremendously but sometimes I wonder why the heck she does certain things, especially when they don't make sense to me.  I guess somehow in her mind it must make sense. 

This new ritual was just great after the Diamondbacks game on Friday night.  We stayed for the whole game...they tied it up in the 9th inning and had to play an extra inning.  After the game there were fireworks.  We stayed for those and didn't end up getting home until about 11pm or so.  We all took a shower because we were hot and sticky.  Amelia went to bed around 11:30pm that night...waaaay past her normal bedtime.  I figured she would sleep in decently late (she normally gets around 12 hours of sleep, from 8:30pm-8:30am).  Well that unfortunately didn't happen.  I hadn't known about her turning the light on really well yet, and usually I can hear the click off the light switch on her monitor.  At about 8:15am Saturday morning I hear, "Light on, light on."  I thought she had just woken up and would fall back asleep.  I walked down the hall anyways just to see what was going on.  Sure enough when I get to her door, I can see light gleaming from underneath the door.  I opened the door and Amelia was just laying in bed like she had just woken up.  I brought her into my bed in hopes of her falling back asleep.  THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN! 

I have learned my lesson and every time I put her to bed now, I wait for her to get up and turn the lights on.  Then I turn them back off and I guess she's okay with that, because then she will stay in bed and fall asleep.

Amelia's 1st Diamondbacks Game

 I always enjoy going to sporting events!  When I was younger and lived in San Diego, my grandparents would take us to the Padres games.  I remember the fun times, cracking open peanut shells, and searching for the prize in the Cracker Jacks box.  I want Amelia to have fond memories of sporting events too. 

The last Diamondbacks game Clint and I went to was in June 2008, when I was around 8+ months pregnant.  I was large and in charge.  We had cheap seats, way up in the top where the stairs are quite steep.  Probably not a great idea for a large pregnant women. 

On Thursday night, our wonderful neighbors, Matt & Holly, text me to see if our family wanted to go to the Diamondbacks game Friday night; they had two extra tickets.  I wanted to say yes right away but I had to make sure Clint's schedule would work out.  We were going to be able to go...yay! 

Our family got into Chase Field right when they started singing the National Anthem.  I bought a drink and hot dog while Clint took Amelia to the Guest Relations Center.  I read that children can get wristbands with their parents' section and seat number, in case they get lost.  I wasn't planning on losing Amelia but I thought better safe than sorry.  She also got a cool pin for her shirt that said, "My 1st Diamondbacks Game" with Baxter the Bobcat.  Also, a Baxter the Bobcat trading card. 

We got to our seats; section 131, row 25, seats 15 and 16.  We were right down the 3rd baseline.  I haven't had nice seats like these in a long time.  It was nice to sit in the lower level.  Clint really wanted to catch a foul ball.  There were plenty of foul balls but they all seemed to go to the left or right of us twenty feet.  Oh well!

The game was fun to watch except that we weren't winning until the 9th inning.  We were down like 3-0 and we ended up getting 3 guys in, to tie up the game.  They went to the 10th inning.  Colorado didn't score.  One of our guys came to bat in the bottom of the 10th, and with the first pitch, he hit the ball nice an deep to center field, which allowed a runner to score.  Victory for the Diamondbacks!

Amelia loved cheering during the game.  Whenever people started clapping, she joined in enthusiastically.  She loved the different chants that are said at baseball games.  She really liked jumping/dancing on the seat.  Anytime cheering would stop, she would say, "More again."  Her way of saying she wants to do it more, or again.

We got to watch spectacular fireworks after the game too.  Amelia actually watched them this time (read post about 4th of July).  Every time she saw a pink firework, she said, "Pink one."  If you ask her about the fireworks though, she will cover her right eye and say, "Scary."

Amelia was actually trying to smile in this picture but it looks kind of scary, like she's mad or something.

Wiggle worm Amelia in the 9th inning...around 10pm.

Diamondbacks player hitting

Mommy and Amelia standing right at the fence along the 3rd baseline after the game.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ultrasound is Scheduled

My ultrasound appointment is scheduled for September 30th.  I will be just over 18 weeks along.  I can't wait to see the progress the baby has made in growing, and of course (hopefully) determine if we are having a boy or girl.  If we have a boy, Clint has a named picked out.  He has wanted to name his first boy this name since high school I believe.  Not sure on what the middle name would be just yet.  If it's a girl, I think we both agree on a name we like.  Again, no clue as to what the middle name would be. 

I forgot to mention at my 10 week appointment that the doctor did not see twins.  So I guess we won't have to worry about picking out two names.  It's sad but kind of a relief too.  It would be hard adjusting to two babies and all the extra costs associated with two.

Every so often I ask Amelia, "So do you want a baby brother, or baby sister?"  She always responds, "Baby brudder (brother)."  When Clint asks that exact same question, she responds with, "Yeah!"  That response makes no sense!  Maybe she will be right and it will be a boy.  I know Clint would be excited to get his boy.  I myself am a little weary about having a boy.  It's a little unknown to me.  I would be more comfortable having a girl.  I just don't know if we need more estrogen in this house with Amelia!  I think I heard a quote or saying that said something about "You can't grow as a perosn if you stay in your comfort zone all the time."  So I guess if I want to grow, I need to have a boy and get knocked out of my comfort zone.  I know I will love this child no matter what gender they are!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Amelia's 1st Bike Ride

Clint and I just bought two bikes recently from some of our neighbors.  We bought them in hopes of going bike riding together.  One day while looking on craigslist, I came across this child carrier for a bike.  We attached it to Clint's bike and took a stroll around our neighborhood.  Amelia seemed to enjoy the bike ride...no tears were shed.  I haven't ridden an actual bike since high school, so around 8-10 years.  I was wobbly at first and tried to be very cautious since I am pregnant.  Besides the bugs hitting my face every so often, it was a nice little five minute bike ride.  I hope our family can continue to bike ride together, at least once a week.  It will be nice once the weather starts to cool off but then my body might start getting awkward on a bike with my belly, so we will see how that goes in the future.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

10 Week Appointment

I had my first doctor's visit and was 10 weeks along.  The due date my doctor gave me was March 2, 2011.  Seeing how my water broke six days early and Amelia was born five days early, I expect to have baby 2 at the end of February.  Amelia was 8lbs 12oz.  I would really like to have a smaller baby this time around!

It was nice to finally see a picture of the baby and actually see the tiny heart beating.  The head is on the right hand side in the pictures below and you can see little tiny arms if you look hard. 

My next appointment is August 31 and I will be 14 weeks along.  I will get to hear the heartbeat at this appointment.  I can't wait!  I remember the first time I heard Amelia's heartbeat at her 14 week apt.  I started to tear up with joy. 

So far I haven't really had a whole lot of symptoms.  I haven't really had any kind of morning sickness.  I think it's because I get to sleep in until 8am or longer.  When pregnant with Amelia, I was teaching and getting up at 6am.  Getting up to brush my teeth that early would set my nauseousness off every day from 8-12 weeks.  I do feel cramping; it seems like once a day.  My doctor said possibly because I'm not drinking enough water.  I admit I don't drink enough water.  Sometimes it is just hard.  If I start guzzling a water bottle, I start to feel like I'm going to gag.  Or when I start to drink water, Amelia insists that it's hers and she takes the bottle from me and drinks it.