Tuesday, August 3, 2010

10 Week Appointment

I had my first doctor's visit and was 10 weeks along.  The due date my doctor gave me was March 2, 2011.  Seeing how my water broke six days early and Amelia was born five days early, I expect to have baby 2 at the end of February.  Amelia was 8lbs 12oz.  I would really like to have a smaller baby this time around!

It was nice to finally see a picture of the baby and actually see the tiny heart beating.  The head is on the right hand side in the pictures below and you can see little tiny arms if you look hard. 

My next appointment is August 31 and I will be 14 weeks along.  I will get to hear the heartbeat at this appointment.  I can't wait!  I remember the first time I heard Amelia's heartbeat at her 14 week apt.  I started to tear up with joy. 

So far I haven't really had a whole lot of symptoms.  I haven't really had any kind of morning sickness.  I think it's because I get to sleep in until 8am or longer.  When pregnant with Amelia, I was teaching and getting up at 6am.  Getting up to brush my teeth that early would set my nauseousness off every day from 8-12 weeks.  I do feel cramping; it seems like once a day.  My doctor said possibly because I'm not drinking enough water.  I admit I don't drink enough water.  Sometimes it is just hard.  If I start guzzling a water bottle, I start to feel like I'm going to gag.  Or when I start to drink water, Amelia insists that it's hers and she takes the bottle from me and drinks it.

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