Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Black Eye

So it all started when I took Amelia upstairs to look in her mouth with a flashlight (she has been saying her mouth hurts and she doesn't sleep well).  I thought she was teething the last four molars but then I noticed a white sore on the inside of her left cheek and on the tip of her tongue.  From what I have been reading, I believe they are canker sores...not fun for a two year old! 

I sat on my bed and put her in front of my lap, her back towards me.  I was planning on laying her backwards so I could look in her mouth.  She was holding the flashlight for me (Clint's heavy duty black flashlight that cops use).  I think she turned the flashlight on and started swinging it around so she could see the light shine across the ceiling. 

Well that's when it happened.....SMACK, STRAIGHT INTO MY LEFT EYE!

I instantly laid my face down into my pillow, covering my eye, and starting crying.  Part of the crying was out of shock from getting hit but it sure did hurt like crap to get hit in the eye with a heavy duty flashlight! I got an instant pounding headache and I was worried that my eye was going to be jacked up and I wouldn't be able to see or something.  I finally got the courage to open up my eye.  I was able to see through the tears. 

I told Amelia that she hurt mommy a lot when the flashlight hit my eye.  I asked her to say sorry to me.  She just kind of giggled and got off the bed.  This was not the response I was looking for!  I held her in my lap and explained to her what she did, and that I would like a hug and a kiss and for her to say sorry.  She finally did give me a hug and kiss but didn't want to say sorry.  I told her that she needed to say sorry to mommy.  After a while, she did say sorry and kissed my hurt eyelid.

I went downstairs, and after talking to my mom, (who works with eye doctors) I put a bag of frozen peas on my hurt eye.  Of course Amelia wanted to come check it out.  I let her watch her Baby Einstein movies until Clint came home from touch rugby practice so he could deal with putting her to bed.

When I woke up this morning, all around my eye was sore and tender.  The top of my eyelid has a red/purple look to it where it got bruised.  I wonder if it will turn black.  I don't think I have ever had a black eye before, so we will see what happens.

I'm glad I didn't get the black eye from somebody punching me in the face, but I still hope I never get one again.  I am lucky there wasn't more damage done to my eye, like a detatched retina.  I guess that can cause fun! 

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