Monday, December 13, 2010

Cousin Charlie's Quick Visit

My sister and nephew stopped by on their way home from Cottonwood to Tucson.  Amelia had a fun time playing with her cousin Charlie.  She showed Charlie her special teddy bear (the one Clint and I made at Build-A-Bear when I was pregnant with her).  Charlie had a stuffed kitty cat that used to be my sister's when she was a child.

Amelia giving her special bear a 'big daddy hug'.  This is how Amelia says she is giving a big, squeeze hug.  I get a 'big daddy hug' every night before she goes to bed :) 
Amelia was covering her face and counting, I guess for hide & seek but Charlie wasn't hiding very well.
Amelia can count on her own to 20.  I have been counting our 15 stairs aloud everytime I walk up or down the stairs with Amelia.  I guess she stored that information because one day she covered her face, pretending to play hide & seek with me, and she started counting to 15.  I then taught her 16-20.  If I say twenty-one, she will say twenty-two, twenty-three, and so on up to twenty-nine.  She doesn't count past 20 on her own though, only if I prompt her and help her if she gets stuck.

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