Amelia is still very into opening and closing things such as doors, cabinets, drawers, books, and any toys that have doors or flaps. A little while before her birthday, Amelia started taking her toys or objects out of her toy baskets and put them into other baskets or boxes. I can tell her to go put a toy in the basket or bring it to me and she will do it! This comes in handy now when she picks up little pieces of stuff off the ground or objects she isn't supposed to have. I just hold out my hands and tell her to bring it to mommy and she comes over to me and places whatever it is into my hands. I praise her and clap so she knows she did something good. I'm hoping this behavior will continue for her.
For her birthday, Amelia got one of the ring stacking toys that plays music when the rings are placed on the base. She is getting very good at placing the rings onto the base one by one. She gets frustrated if the ring doesn't go on correctly the first try. I tell her it's okay and to try again.
We have been showing Amelia how to get off the couch by getting onto her stomach and sliding down feet first. She is good at getting off the couch feet first. Last week I was in our bathroom getting ready and Amelia was on out bed, which is about three feet off the ground. She wanted to get on the ground and come be with me and play on the ground while I got ready. She would get right up to the edge and peer over. She would throw anything that was on the bed onto the floor and then look at it. Then she turned over onto her stomach and started dangling her feet over the edge of the bed. She started pushing her body near the edge of the bed until she slid down the side and landed her feet on the floor. I was quite impressed since the bed is higher than her. She is a little over 30" tall and her head doesn't even see the top of the mattress.
The last few days Amelia has started taking a few little steps. If I am sitting on the floor and she is crusing along the couch, I tell her to come to mama. She will let go of the couch, face me, and take a step or two towards me, and then lunge into me. I'm hoping this is another important milestone towards walking. I want her to be able to walk so her legs won't be as dirty and scuffed from crawling.
Amelia has the two bottom teeth and three top teeth plus one on the way. The top right, left, and the one at the right of the front tooth. The one on the left of the front tooth is working it's way through right now and agrivating Amelia's mouth. Hopefully it breaks through soon so she won't be in pain.
One of my favorite pics of Amelia flashing her beautiful smile
Talking to her teddy
Thinking about the ladybug on the quilt
Checking out the buttons on her dress
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