My mom came down early to help me get everything ready for the party on Saturday- THANKS mom! We put up this birthday door banner that I ordered:
We filled balloons with helium- thanks for letting me borrow your helium tank Betty. Amelia helped make sure the balloons were good :)
Amelia relaxed in her ladybug chair while we got more things done downstairs.
We dressed Amelia up in her ladybug birthday dress, which happened to match my guest bedroom sheets almost exactly. Can you find Amelia?
Taking a quick pic with cousin Charlie, 10 months old.
Eating lunch at the party and watching all the party guests.
The ladybug cake
The ladybug cupcakes- thanks Clint for helping with these :)
Amelia's birthday cake
Amelia was so excited when everyone started singing Happy Birthday to her that she didn't even notice the cake in front of her.
Still excited about everything that was going on around.
Finally enjoying that yummy cake!
Opening presents with mommy and daddy's help.
After the party, Amelia tried to sneak upstairs without us knowing. She can get up those stairs very quickly so I have to keep a good eye on her when she heads near them.
Later in the evening, we took the babies for a wagon ride in Amelia's new Radio Flyer.
We walked to the park and grandpa Dave tried to sneak up on the babies. I don't think they were surprised at all. We went and dipped our feet in pool to cool off and decided we would go change and come back to go swimming. It was very relaxing after a few busy days!
Thanks to all those that came to celebrate Amelia's 1st Birthday! She had a great time and I'm sure she is glad you came.
I guess I better start planning next year's birthday party ;)
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