And we're off to go trick-or-treating! We practiced at our house first. I had Clint open our door and give her candy. She wanted nothing to do with it. We joined our neighbors, Matt & Holly, and we went trick-or-treating together. After watching their almost 2 year old son trick-or-treat, Amelia started to pick up on what to do. When people would answer the door and put the candy bowl in front of Amelia, she would actually pick out a candy. Sometimes she would try to share and give it back to them. But after awhile she learned to put it in her bucket.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
And we're off to go trick-or-treating! We practiced at our house first. I had Clint open our door and give her candy. She wanted nothing to do with it. We joined our neighbors, Matt & Holly, and we went trick-or-treating together. After watching their almost 2 year old son trick-or-treat, Amelia started to pick up on what to do. When people would answer the door and put the candy bowl in front of Amelia, she would actually pick out a candy. Sometimes she would try to share and give it back to them. But after awhile she learned to put it in her bucket.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Schnepf's Farm
Amelia wasn't sure what was going on. She stayed very still and only moved her eyes.
The finished product...a beautiful pumpkin
One of our first stops was the petting zoo area. There was a pen filled with goats of all sizes.
There were some adorable little baby goats roaming around. When we would try to pet them, this one bigger white goat would get jealous and come over to be petted too.
The baby goats were quite soft and the bigger goats had rougher fur.
There was a very large sheep who happened to be standing near the fence of his pen. Perfect photo opportunity for us!
The donkey was friendly but I think Amelia was a little uneasy about it.
Our next stop was to the pig races. We were able to sit in the front row and see it all wonderfully.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Play Doh Fun
Homemade Play Doh
• 1/2 cup flour
• 1/4 cup salt
• 1/2 cup water
• 1/2 tablespoon oil
• 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
• a few drops of food coloring
Mix all but the last ingredient in a small saucepan. Cook over a very low heat until it turns into a dough (it’ll take just a few minutes). Knead the dough on a floured surface until cool enough for kids to touch. Separate the dough into as many colors as you want to make. Put just a few drops of coloring in each ball and knead until evenly mixed. I store the dough in a fridge in an extra jar I have lying around. This way, it usually lasts for months! To add some texture to the dough, try a few tablespoons of rolled oats. Some kids love this, some are weirded out.
I doubled the recipe myself so I had enough to make a few different colors. If you have more than one child, you might want to quadruple this recipe so each child can have a sufficient amount to play with.
I put Amelia in the high chair and she poked at it then took a little piece off and ate it. I knew it wouldn't harm her because it's all natural ingredients (plus I know I ate some growing up too). I just told her, "No no Amelia. Play Doh is for playing, not eating." She understood and tried to take it out of her mouth but instead she ended up gagging herself and throwing up breakfast, twice! All over her clothes and the high chair straps. YUCK! So I cleaned her up, took off her nasty clothes, and wiped down the high chair really good. I left her in just a diaper and put her back in the high chair, not strapped in. I reminded her that we don't eat Play Doh. I showed her how to use the cookie/dough cutters and then she started doing it all by herself! I think she enjoyed playing with the Play Doh and will want to do it again in the future.