No Amelia was not a ladybug again this year :( We have a few ladybug costumes for different ages but they were too big to fit her this year and she is waaay to big to wear last year's (6 month size) ladybug onesie costume. I didn't want to spend much money and buy a costume so I decided she would be a bunny. I already had pink sweat pants for her and a white onesie. She wore pink socks and her pink sport-like shoes. My mom gave her bunny ears at Easter and I safety pinned a fluffy white pom pom ball to her sweat pants. I was looking at winter clothes at Wal-Mart the other day because it is getting cold now and she doesn't have any winter clothes really. I found an adorable faux fur white hoodie jacket. It has a little bit of pink where the pockets are and on the zipper area. I thought this would be a perfect addition to complete the bunny look for Amelia! It would keep her warm, look stylish, and still be useful after Halloween.
And we're off to go trick-or-treating! We practiced at our house first. I had Clint open our door and give her candy. She wanted nothing to do with it. We joined our neighbors, Matt & Holly, and we went trick-or-treating together. After watching their almost 2 year old son trick-or-treat, Amelia started to pick up on what to do. When people would answer the door and put the candy bowl in front of Amelia, she would actually pick out a candy. Sometimes she would try to share and give it back to them. But after awhile she learned to put it in her bucket.
We walked around our neighborhood for about two hours. It seemed very slow at first; like we weren't going to get any candy. There weren't many people home and only a few houses left bowls of candy out for trick-or-treaters. After awhile we found houses that had the Halloween spirit and were sitting out on their front porch with candy and great decorations in their yards. Near the end of our journey we got to a house that had only gotten five trick-or treaters. She gave us three huge handfuls of candy. When we got home our bowl of tootie fruites looked untouched. Overall it was a pleasant evening. The weather was quite nice, I got in a good amount of exercise from all that walking, we accumulated a decent stash of candy, and Amelia wasn't cranky. Happy Halloween!
What a cute bunny - hope you save some chocolate bars for us - love G & G Hoover