My mom and dad came down for the weekend so we could all go to Schnepf's Farm in Queen Creek. I went a few years ago while in college but it's a whole different experience with your family and a child. When you first enter into the farm, there are people painting faces. Amelia and I both got our faces painted with a pumpkin.
Amelia wasn't sure what was going on. She stayed very still and only moved her eyes.
The finished product...a beautiful pumpkin
One of our first stops was the petting zoo area. There was a pen filled with goats of all sizes.
There were some adorable little baby goats roaming around. When we would try to pet them, this one bigger white goat would get jealous and come over to be petted too.
The baby goats were quite soft and the bigger goats had rougher fur.
There was a very large sheep who happened to be standing near the fence of his pen. Perfect photo opportunity for us!
The donkey was friendly but I think Amelia was a little uneasy about it.
Our next stop was to the pig races. We were able to sit in the front row and see it all wonderfully.

Before the show started Amelia was having a blast looking around at everything and other kids. A plane flew overhead and she pointed up into the sky and said 'puh'.

A bird was flying overhead in circles so again Amelia pointed but said 'buh' for bird.

Amelia turned around to see where daddy was and make sure he was enjoying the show too.

This was a very large pumpkin compared to Amelia. She did a great job posing on the hay bale!

We went on the hay ride through the orchards and they stopped along the way so people could see the deer. Clint took Amelia over to the fence so Amelia could pet them and see them better. Something must have smelled bad...the deer or the trash can?

Grandma giving Amelia some love on the hay ride.

We went over to the pumpkin area and let Amelia pick a small pumpkin out. These were more her size and she was able to pick them up.

We couldn't pass up another great photo opportunity of our little family in the pumpkin patch.

Mommy, Amelia, and the pumpkins.

We decided that we were getting hungry so we got some corndogs, cotton candy, and fresh lemonade. Amelia found a large pumpkin under one of the tables. She wanted to go over and touch she did.

Last photo opportunity on the large hay bale mountain.

Closer family photo

Three generations on the hay bale mountain. Clint snapped this picture perfectly as Amelia saw a bird or plane in the sky and had her finger pointing and her mouth open and saying something.
Hi Ray family - loved the pictures and the memories - we sure had a fun day - I can't wait to put the pictures in a scrapbook - love mom