She woke up again around 2:30am and the same thing as before happened. She barfed a little more and fell back asleep. Aroung 5am I woke up because she was wiggling around and I am a light sleeper for the most part. She had turned her body perpendicular to Clint and me and had cuddled up her head into my stomach and was kicking Clint's back. I rotated her around and slept until she started climbing on me around 7:30am. Clint had left for work much earlier but he later told me that she had been kicking him most of the night. This is why we don't let her sleep in our bed unless it's an emergency because Clint and I won't get much sleep.
On Wednesday morning I made Amelia some breakfast and gave her some milk. She was eating the yogurt and applesauce and said she needed to pee. I took her down from her booster seat and she went poo instead. I brought her back up and she sat there but didn't want to eat. All of a sudden she threw up everything all over the table, floor, and in her bib. I went to get the bowl but she barfed more, and more. Once she was finished, I got her down and cleaned it all up; not fun! She was running around naked since her clothes and panties were soaked in barf. She came into the kitchen holding the bowl part of her potty chair saying 'pee pee' 'pee pee'. While I was cleaning up she went and sat on her potty chair all by herself and peed. She brought it to me to show me and have me dump out the pee in the big toilet. I am so glad she is a bright little girl and didn't decide to pour the pee out on the floor or do other worse things.
Amelia and I sat on the couch watching movies for most of the day. She drank water, ate some popsicles, and a few grapes. She fell asleep in my lap on the couch at 10:15am and slept until 12:00pm. I tried to get her to eat some applesauce and other stuff but she only wanted the applesauce. We played downstairs with her blocks for a little bit then went back upstairs to watch more of her movies. She fell asleep again in my lap on the couch at 2:45pm. After a little while I decided to take her upstairs so she could sleep in her bed. She slept until 5:15pm! I guess she must have been really tired and not feeling well to sleep this much. Usually she takes one nap from 12-3pm or 1-4pm.
We had chicken noodle soup for dinner because the weather was kind of cool, Clint was getting over a cold, and Amelia was obviously not feeling great. She didn't really eat much of the food but did drink some juice. She had a bath and went to bed at 8pm like normal. Luckily she didn't barf in her bed again.
Thursday morning she woke up around 6:30am and whined for a few minutes then went back asleep til about 7:30am. I went and got her because we had to get dressed and up to Mesa. Grandma Betty was going to watch Amelia while Clint and I helped in the Temple laundry room. On the car ride to Mesa, Amelia dozed off for a few minutes. We dropped her off with grandma around 9am. Grandma told us that she slept from 9:15-11:15am. Then she ate some mac n' cheese and cheetos for lunch. I'm glad she finally ate something. We got home around 2:30pm or so. She stayed awake until bedtime at 8pm. Things were looking up for her...No more barfing!
This morning (Friday), she woke up around 8am. I had been awake since about 7am and was downstairs doing stuff on the computer and watching tv. I went up to her room and opened the door. She was standing next to the door, holding the door knob like usual, trying to open it herself. When she saw me, she pointed at and said, 'money'- which is what she calls her lovey bunny. I went over to bunny and there was dried poo all over her bunny, kitty, blankie, bed, and of course her clothes. I think she must have had diarrhea sometime during the night or in the morning and it went up her pull-up and then she rolled around and it was everywhere. I took off her pjs and it was dried and caked on her littly tushy :( I gave her a bath and got the nastiness cleaned up.
She had a good day and went to nap around 1pm or so. As I was typing the previous paragraph about her diarrhea this morning, she woke up, at 3pm. I ran up there because she has panties on and I wanted to get her on a potty to pee. When I got up there, she was next to the door waiting for me. She was standing with her legs apart in a waddling fashion. I saw a wet spot on the blanket on the floor by her bed. I figured she must have peed. I went to pull down her pants and panties, when out falls some mushy poo. Very gross! I got her clothes off carefully and into the bath again, then rinsed the poo out of her panties and pants.
My poor baby girl has had a rough few days lately. I haven't had the best few days either since I have to deal with most of it. I really hope Amelia gets better soon!
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