My grandma had a stroke in the beginning of March. After she left the hospital, she went to a rehabilitation center. She stayed there for a few weeks and was then able to go back and live in their apartment at Fredericka Manor with my grandpa. My mom, Amelia, and I drove out for a week to go see my grandparents and help my grandma when she got moved back into her apartment. My uncle and aunt were going to be gone the week that we went out to Cali so they graciously let us live in their house for the week. They live very close to the San Diego airport so the planes would wake Amelia, and then of course me up at 6:30am when the first plane would take off. This aspect of our stay was a little rough but they had a large friendly dog named Leo who Amelia just adored. She would chase him around and pet him and hug him. He didn't seem to mind her too much. I took care of Leo so for the week, I was like his new master. He would follow me everywhere and make sure Amelia and I were safe.
We couldn't go to San Diego without visiting the zoo so we went to the San Diego Zoo on one of the warmest days we were there. Amelia had a great time seeing all the animals. She stayed awake for 9 hours, had a brief 30 minute nap in the stroller, and then stayed up until bedtime. While at the zoo, we accidentally lost Amelia's blankie! I was very worried because Amelia loves this blankie, as well as her kitty. She would have a hard time sleeping without it. Luckily the zoo lost and found department called us later that evening and said that we had left it on one of the express buses. We drove back to the zoo and retrieved it before Amelia's bedtime :)
Here are lots and lots of pictures from our trip:
Amelia excited to see everything at the zoo.
Riding the very first tour bus of the day around the zoo.

Giraffes- or 'raffes' as Amelia calls them

Riding on the SkyFari

Standing next to a polar bear...don't worry, it's not real.

Taking a lunch break

Amelia wearing a zoo bucket as a hat

Petting the goat in the children's petting zoo

The great big sheep...baaaaaaaa as Amelia says anytime she sees a sheep.

Taking a ride on a large tortoise

One of the many elephants- 'ella' as Amelia would it

Roooaaar says the tiger

Riding on the last train ride through Balboa Park

Posing with the stuffed animal giraffe

Loving the wind blowing through our hair

We went to Corvette Diner for dinner one night. It's a great 50's style diner with a perfect family oriented atmosphere.

Enjoying a thick chocolate shake

We got Amelia a balloon and she wouldn't let it go...not even during dinner

Amelia posing for me while showing off her 'doddie bib.

Playing with the balloon on our way to the car.

Amelia and grandma Susie visiting with great grandma Flo at her apartment.

Blowing on the pinwheel after eating powdered donut holes on my grandparent's balcony.

Taking a quick picture break while walking the hallways at Fredericka Manor.

Blowing bubbles on the balcony.

My grandpa, John, grandma, Flo, me, and Amelia eating lunch at Fredericka Manor.

We took Amelia to the park at Liberty Station near my uncle's house where we were staying. Every time Amelia hears or sees a plane, she points up to it and says 'pane' until you acknowledge her saying it.

Amelia sliding down the big slide next to me.

Amelia playing in the sand with a nice little boy around her age.

A lady at the park had this tricycle. I was wanting to buy this exact one at Wal-Mart for her 2nd birthday present. She let Amelia try it out and seemed to love it. I had to stand behind her and push her though because she didn't really know how to pedal.

Going on the bouncy seahorse

Out taking Leo for his daily morning walk around the neighborhood.

Amelia and my mom with my uncle's tortoise, Ricky. Amelia loves turtles but just didn't want to get close to Ricky.

I gave Amelia these stickers to keep her entertained while I was driving. She got a bit sticker happy!

Amelia went over and sat in Leo's doggie bed and was trying to feed him his bone. He yawned so she was trying to shove it in mouth.

Leo left but Amelia had fun sitting in the dog bed. She would bring her kitty and blankie over and roll around in the bed. I know she misses Leo, or 'E-lo' as she calls him.
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