Monday, August 9, 2010

Ultrasound is Scheduled

My ultrasound appointment is scheduled for September 30th.  I will be just over 18 weeks along.  I can't wait to see the progress the baby has made in growing, and of course (hopefully) determine if we are having a boy or girl.  If we have a boy, Clint has a named picked out.  He has wanted to name his first boy this name since high school I believe.  Not sure on what the middle name would be just yet.  If it's a girl, I think we both agree on a name we like.  Again, no clue as to what the middle name would be. 

I forgot to mention at my 10 week appointment that the doctor did not see twins.  So I guess we won't have to worry about picking out two names.  It's sad but kind of a relief too.  It would be hard adjusting to two babies and all the extra costs associated with two.

Every so often I ask Amelia, "So do you want a baby brother, or baby sister?"  She always responds, "Baby brudder (brother)."  When Clint asks that exact same question, she responds with, "Yeah!"  That response makes no sense!  Maybe she will be right and it will be a boy.  I know Clint would be excited to get his boy.  I myself am a little weary about having a boy.  It's a little unknown to me.  I would be more comfortable having a girl.  I just don't know if we need more estrogen in this house with Amelia!  I think I heard a quote or saying that said something about "You can't grow as a perosn if you stay in your comfort zone all the time."  So I guess if I want to grow, I need to have a boy and get knocked out of my comfort zone.  I know I will love this child no matter what gender they are!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!!! I'm so excited to hear what you are having! :o) I'm glad things are going well for you and that the baby is healthy! We miss you guys! We will be in Gilbert over Labor Day weekend and would love to see you guys :o)
